At The Women's March In DC Madonna Says She's Thought About Blowing Up The White House.... WHOOOOOPPPPPSSSSS

I’m all for these marches today. I totally get how women probably are a little scared and nervous about a guy who says you can grab handfuls of pussy as you please and a guy who think you should have to have a funeral for your aborted fetus being in power, so if you want to voice that concern and displeasure then do it up. By all accounts they’ve been very, very well attended and very peaceful. Not a single problem with that at all except for the fact that I wish they chose a Sunday rather than a Saturday because, well, you know. But… and I’m just spitballing here… maybe don’t say you’ve thought about blowing up the White House? I’m not a genius but I just feel like that’s not REALLY the point you’re trying to get across. I feel like it muddies the water of all the women saying understandable things like “you can’t rape me” and “I’d like health care” when you say something as, ahem, explosive as “I’ve thought about blowing up the White House.”

I know Madonna is something of a feminist hero but maybe it’s time to put her out to pasture and blacklist her from these things? Don’t fact check me here but I’m pretty sure in the last few months she’s said the N word, called herself black, and did something to upset that trans community? I could be off on some stuff but I know most of that is at least somewhat true, thus ensuring I maintain my position as a journalist. Just seems like she’s not the kind of wild card you want at your event because if she was a Muslim they prob have a black bag over her head before she even finishes her speech and, frankly, I wouldn’t blame them. They should treat this as a real threat because if it was anyone else but Madonna they absolutely would. The only difference between Madonna standing there saying shit like that and when people used to freak out about Trump saying to punch protesters at his rallies is that this is way more dangerous.

Although I will admit, kinda funny seeing some Trump supporters get mad over the fact that Madonna said “fuck.” At least they have a line somewhere.

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